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All donations are most welcome and very gratefully accepted and appreciated to help cover costs for the upkeep of this site.

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Thank you for your kindness. Together we are helping our brothers and sisters all over the world!

I meet you in the Heart of Source, forever...


PS ... I hope you'll check out the free materials below:

Free Newsletter

If you haven't already, I hope you’ll sign up for the Encouragement From WellBeing Alignment newsletter here. You’ll receive lots of help for healing on all levels of your being. You’ll also receive notifications about new information added to the site, as well as special deals for WellBeing Alignment Sessions.

Ezines generally go out once or twice a month.

Free Downloads

You can download all of the following here.

How To Let Your Light Shine!

(43-page pdf file)
The sun doesn’t have to learn to shine and neither do you. Just uncover the You that ALREADY shines!

This book will show you how to do that.

Peace Or Pain?

(4-page pdf file)

We’re not in the world. The world is in us.

Our creation and experience of the world is based entirely on our choices. Everything we experience is a result of our choosing it, whether consciously or unconsciously.

Although it appears we have many choices, the underlying choice we always face is whether to choose the ego part of our mind that is based on separation, suffering and illusion, or the part of our being that is One with our Creator.

Oneness is our True Reality, which we can access simply by shifting attention to it.

The Science Of Getting Rich

(74-page pdf file)

This an edited reprint of the timeless 1910 classic by Wallace D. Wattles (formerly titled Financial Success Through Creative Thought) which is currently in the public domain.

Wallace Wattles speaks from a deep understanding of how ALL things are created on this plane.

He shows us that everything we experience comes from our own choices, beliefs, and thoughts. Everything.

This book is a powerful key to unlocking false beliefs many of us have suffered from.

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